NY Fire Consultants
NY Fire Consultants

On-Line Preparation for Sprinkler/Standpipe C of F Test (2 Evening Classes)

(S-11 / S-12 / S-13 / S-14)

Course Description

We offer preparation on-line course for the FDNY Certificates of Fitness as a  Sprinkler (S-11, & S-12) and Standpipe (S13 & S-14):


1. NYFSI will  take attendance at the beginning of a class during the online classroom session, This is to insure that only the person who signed up and paid for the class in on-line.

2. NYFSI will provide all the students with classroom manual for review prior to the scheduled online class session. This manual will be distributed to the student via email to the email address provided.  This course must be paid for before the Manual is electronically send. 

3. This on-line platform will have the ability for group chat during the online session.

This is a preparatory course for the Sprinkler / Standpipe Certificate of Fitness Examination given by the New York City Fire Department (FDNY). It consists of two 3-hour classes that covers preparation for each C of F test:

    1. • S-11 – C of F Residential Sprinkler System
    1. • S-12 – C of F Citywide Sprinkler System
    1. • S-13 – C of F Citywide Standpipe System
    1. • S-14 – C of F Standpipe for Multi Zone Systems


Additional Info

If your standpipe or sprinkler certificates is not an S-11, S-12, S-13 or an S-14 you will not have their C of F renewed and must take the new test. Although the current standpipe and sprinkler certificates are valid until expiration, the current Standpipe and Sprinkler holders have to comply with NFPA 25, 2011 and NYC Fire Code 2014 edition requirements. The inspection, testing, maintenance, impairment procedures, notification processes and other related activities have to comply with NFPA and fire code even if you have the old C of F.

Certificate of Fitness S-11 – Residential Sprinkler Systems

    • An individual who inspects, tests, and maintains sprinkler systems in residential buildings or structures classified as R-2 occupancies up to and including six stories with not more than 30 sprinkler heads, or with a compactor sprinkler system, is required to hold a Certificate of Fitness. For more information visit the city’s

Certificate of Fitness S-12 – Citywide Sprinkler Systems

    • An individual who inspects, tests, and maintains sprinkler systems in buildings or structures in New York City is required to hold a Certificate of Fitness. For more information visit the city’s

Certificate of Fitness S-13 – Citywide Standpipe System

    • An individual who inspects, tests, and maintains standpipe systems in buildings or structures in New York City is required to hold a Certificate of Fitness. For more information visit the city’s

Certificate of Fitness S-14 – Standpipe for Multi Zone Systems

    • An individual who inspects, tests, and maintains standpipes for multi-zone systems in buildings or structures in New York City is required to hold a Certificate of Fitness. For more information visit the city’s


Helpful Links
All classes are taught On-Line.
An FDNY approved and accredited school

Weekday Classes

Our On-Line Supervision of Sprinkler/Standpipe Preparation class is Virtual Training course. The course is designed to help you pass the Fire Department’s Certificate of Fitness test for Supervision of Sprinkler (S-11, S-12) and Standpipe (S-13, S-14)

This course only accepts Credit Card payments.

PRICE: $200